Readingfile met artikels uit verscheidene Alquins uit 2013

19-11-2013 20:45

Real Life 2.0

Source: Alquin, September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 7

Summary: Beaming is no longer science-fiction. A project by the European Commission allows you to visit a remote location via the Internet. The visitor has the ability to interact with real people. But this new technology also raises new types of crime. It could increase the risk of sexual harassment and even virtual rape.

Your own Opinion: I think the beaming technology is pretty cool, but I think it'll be too expensive for ordinary people to use.


Welcome to Springfield, Oregon

Source: Alquin September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 7

Summary: This week Matt Groening, the creator of the Simpsons, told their not so made-up hometown called Springfield, was inspired by a real Springfield near his childhood home in Portland. Springfield is one of the most common names for a city in the United States. But now we know on which Springfield the Simpson's town is based.

Your own Opinion: I find it very amusing the Simpson's city is based on a real one. I always thought it was completely imaginary! But now I know the real story.


Struggling to get by

Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 6

Summary: Charities and voluntary groups are sounding alarm bells at the number of people going hungry as benefits fall and prices rise. Fareshare provides the poor and homeless with all kinds of food and many other services, such as the 'Welcome Project' and Aids support.

Your own Opinion: I think the people from Fareshare are doing a great job. They give everyone a fair chance to live, even the ones that don't have the money for it.


Chalk Art

Source: Alquin March 2013

Number of Reading Points: 4

Summary: 3D sidewalk chalk drawings are fun, interactive and short-lived works of art that really inspire people. With the right skills and tools, artists can transform an ordinary sidewalk into portals to another dimension. Most 3D chalk works are known as 'perspectival anamorphosis', which means you can only see what it's supposed to be when you look from the right angle.

Your own Opinion: I think 3D chalk art is really cool. I've seen many pictures of it and it's pretty awesome. Chalk-artists are some of the most talented ones.






Sorry kids, I've killed Santa

Source: Alquin December 2012

Number of Reading Points: 7

Summary: This text is about Santa. It tells about his origins as St. Nicholas, and the Dutchmen who brought him to America. It also questions if Santa is just a commercial invention to make people buy things. The writer tries to ban the 'commercial Santa' and bring back the original meaning of Christmas (to give children inner riches and not just material wealth) to his family.

Your own Opinion: The writer has right, Santa and Christmas nowadays are more some kind of commercial gift-party. But it's nice to get gifts! There are lots of pro's and cons.


Furry Bastards

Source: Alquin December 2012

Number of Reading Points: 8

Summary: This text is about fur in fashion. Many people are against it, because of the cruel ways the furred animals are killed. Not so long ago, top-models refused to wear fur. But gradually, fur has crept back on the catwalk. Has public opinion really changed? And are the Welfare regulations able to calm down the animal-rights campaigners?

Your own Opinion: I think fur should be legal in fashion and clothes. Most animals already die for the meat. And, for back-up plan, we can still use fake fur.


Living to 100 is a blessing and we should celebrate

Source: Alquin December 2012

Number of Reading Points: 5

Summary: The amount of people reaching the 100 has been growing through the past few years. It does raise questions about overpopulation; people will spend one third of their life on pension. There will be tensions, but also huge benefits.

Your own Opinion:

I agree with the text, living to 100 years has it's advantages, but also many disadvantages. You see all your friends and family die, but at the same time, you see new people being born.


Is the future of fast-food... healthy?

Source: Alquin November 2012

Number of Reading Points: 6

Summary: A report predicted almost half of the British men could be obese by 2030, so it;s time for a change. Fast-food companies are reducing the amount of sugar and fat in their products. Brands like Mc Donald's are selling fruit and salads. Of course we shouldn't get carried away. Junk-food manufacturers are still motivated by profit and will do whatever it takes to not to damage their images.

Your own Opinion: I think these fast-food companies are doing a great job. Even minor changes can make a big difference. We still have a long way to go though...



You have my word

Source: Alquin November 2012

Number of Reading Points: 4

Summary: Writing an essay was never so easy. There are plenty of websites that provide you nice, pre-written essays! But they cost 3000 pounds each and they might arrive too late. A good grade isn't guaranteed either. And there's of course the risk of being kicked out of college for plagiarism...

Your own Opinion: I think these websites are splendid, but they guarantee nothing. I guess writing an essay yourself has less disadvantages than buying one on the Internet.


What is 82x82x82x82?

Source: Alquin November 2012

Number of Reading Points: 4

Summary: Daniel Tammet has the Savant syndrome, a rare form of Asperger's. His condition provides him great riches: His visualization of numbers means he can perform extraordinary mathematical fearts. It also has its limitations; Forming relationships is still difficult for him.

Your own Opinion: I think David is kind of cool, he has a gift; He has the ability to do difficult maths without a calculator. I wish I could do that, I can barely count to ten!


No escape from Alcatraz

Source: Alquin September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 4

Summary: This article tells us about JJ Abram's new TV series: Alcatraz. The story is about the same named San Fransisco island, where in 1963 302 prisoners disappeared. Detective Rebecca Madsen tries to find out what exactly happened, but at the same time untrustworthy FBI agent Emerson Hauser and his colleague Lucy prefer to keep her out of the investigation.

Your own Opinion: After my opinion, this series is a bit outdated. I've seen lots and lots films and series with the same 'ingredients', and I really liked them, but this isn't exciting and special anymore.


Love Virtually

Source: Alquin September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 6

Summary: This text is about the game 'Love Plus', where you have a virtual girlfriend. It;s very popular in Japan. Players talk to their girlfriends through a built-in microphone, and the girlfriends talk back, the software having selected an appropriate response from thousands of pre-recorded phrases. It can be played on Nintendo DS. Lots of customers who are in a real relationship say that, by playing this game, they became more kind to their real-life partners.

Your own Opinion: I think the people who play this game arr awkward geeks, though the article claims the opposite. They are crazy! They take it really seriously, though it's just a game.

A rising Star

Source: Alquin September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 5

Summary: This article is about the scientist Brian Cox, known as the Rock-Star scientist', because of his sexy looks. He used to play synthesizers in the 90's band 'D:Ream'. Brian tells how special it is that we live on this tiny planet, and he thinks in the next ten to fifteen years we'll find 'Live on Mars'. He wants people to be left with the feeling that science delivers not only useful things but also something more profound.

Your own Opinion: I think Brian Cox is a great scientist, because he's not sitting in a lab all day long, but tells and learns other people about science. He spreads the word.


Feel the Heat

Source: Alquin September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 5

Summary: This text is about the BBC movie 'Supervolcano', which shows what will happen when the volcano in Yellowstone erupts. As the tag line at the beginning of this two-part drama film puts it: 'This is a true story. It just hasn't happened yet!'

Your own Opinion: I think this movie is a bit like '2012'. A big amount of people dies, due to a big natural disaster. I also think it's an exciting way to learn more about volcanoes.


The origin of Species

Source: Alquin, September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 8

Summary: This text is about the science-fiction movie 'Prometheus'. The movie is about three people who'd like to know where they actually come from, and why they exist. They believe in the existence of 'The Engineers', the creators of life. With their spaceship 'Prometheus', they cross the universe, looking for answers. The film does what all good science-fiction should do: It uses scientific concepts, currently out of the realm of possibility to make us think about philosophy and the future.

Your own Opinion: I think 'Prometheus' is a great film. I like science-fiction movies with a deeper question. I think I'm going to watch it!

EDIT: I did watch the movie and it was splendid!


The end of the World again

Source: Alquin November 2012

Number of Reading Points: 6

Summary: This text tells us to be not afraid of 'the end of the world' on December 21th, because 'the end' has been predicted many times before and none of them actually happened. We're still alive! It also gives us some Apocalyptic film-tips.

Your own Opinion: I don't think the world will end, because what the text claims is true: The end has been predicted many times before and nothing happened!



Facebook's one-dollar Police

Source: Alquin November 2012

Number of Reading Points: 5

Summary: This text is about the underpaid people who have to spend three weeks working in Morocco for 'oDesk', one of the outsourcing companies used by Facebook. One of the employees says that this must be the worst salary (one dollar) paid by Facebook. “The job was very upsetting,” he said. “No-one likes to see a human cut into pieces every day.”

Your own Opinion: These people are much underpaid! And I don't understand why this job can't be done by computers. It's a horrible job, nobody wants to do this.


Fighting the Tramp Army

Source: Alquin November 2012

Number of Reading Points: 4

Summary: This text is about tramps, as the title suggests. It tells about the view to tramps through the years. Tramps as rebel-force, hobos being restless spirits who roamed wherever their imagination took them, etcetera...

Your own Opinion: I think tramps are awesome, creative and very wise human beings. They are a great addition to the genuine community of the city.


Primate Suspects

Source: Alquin November 2012

Number of Reading Points: 5

Summary: This text tells us about chimpanzees that are rescued from a cruel future in a circus or as a touristic attraction. In Girona, Spain, is a little piece of Africa; in a setting designed to mimic their natural habitat, these chimps can lick their wounds (emotional and physical). The National Geographic Channel series 'Chimp Diaries' shows us how the 'saved ones' are doing.

Your own Opinion: I believe apes will take over the world once, so I think we should be kind to them so they won't destroy us completely when the time is there. The volunteers that take care of the chimps are doing a great job.


Gentle Giant

Source: Alquin September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 7

Summary: It's hard to believe that this 20-stone former body artist, with over three quarters of his skin covered with tattoos and piercings, is on his way to become a modern day hippie icon. 'Scary Guy' inspires school children and confuse customs officials across the globe. He goes to schools to spread positive energy and to stop bullying.

Your own Opinion: I think Scary Guy is great and I have a lot of respect for his work. He helps children becoming more self-respecting and confident.






A Dream Guy

Source: Alquin September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 3

Summary: There's a new app in town! It's called 'Perfect Man'. The app introduces four fantasy men, with four different styles. There's a 'photographer', 'famous', 'poet' and 'business' man. You can meet each man in a short video where they speak straight to the camera about how much they want you.

Your own Opinion: I don't even have a smartphone, and even if I had one, I wouldn't download this app. I think it's pretty silly. A digital man is way different than a real man. It might be funny, but also very childish.


'The Hobbit' unearths a hoard of Myths

Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 4

Summary: This text is about the origins of the popular 'Hobbit' trilogy. Actually, everything is based on the sub-creational world of Tolkien, who was telling the 'Hobbit-myth' since 1937. His own myths belonged only to a sub-created world, but 'The Hobbit' is as thoroughly part of that world as Tolkien could make it.

Your own Opinion: I've never seen a Lord of the Rings or Hobbit film, so this text was pretty hard to understand for me. I tried to watch 'The Hobbit' a few days ago, but it was so long and boring that I stopped.


Meet Emma! Saviour of the World

Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 7

Summary: Emma (the Electron Model of Many Applications) is a particle accelerator, the first of an entirely new type. Most machines are very expensive and bad for the environment. Emma is different. She's the world's first non-scaling, fixed-field, alternating-gradient accelerator. This means she is a pocket-sized machine, a prototype of a new generation that will be smaller and cheaper than its predecessors.

Your own Opinion: I think that within 20 years, machines like Emma will produce all energy in the world, but building these machines will cost a lot of money, so governments should subsidize those projects.


The new Industrial Revolution

Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 4

Summary: This text tells us about 3D printers and how they're going to change the world. Out of a bath of fluid or powder, any solid object can be made to appear (previously specified on your computer). Insofar as physical objects are involved, they are only there to be converted from atoms into bits. The new game is to convert bits into atoms!

Your own Opinion: I think 3D printers are really cool, because if you're at school and you forgot your pen, you can just go to the printer and print a new one! (Or you can just borrow one from your friend, but that's too easy)


The Shark Whisperer

Source: Alquin September 2012

Number of Reading Points: 6

Summary: Stuart Cove is Hollywood's most famous shark-wrangler. Cove is the owner of Stuart Cove's Aqua Adventures, the largest scuba-diving and water sports operation in the Bahama's. Over the past 25 years he has created some of Hollywood's most memorable underwater sequences, as seen in Jaws and the James Bond films For your Eyes, Only and Thunderball.

Your own Opinion: Stuart Cove is a great person and he has made some wonderful underwater and shark scenes. I have a lot of respect for him.


Behold our Future

Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 5

Summary: Michio Kaku has interviewed 300 fellow scientists to get a picture of life in 2100. He talks about the delights and dangers ahead. 'For most of us (we hope), technology should ring healthier, loner lives, as cleaner environment and holidays in space.' But something we should think of too: Will people use the new technology for war or peace?

Your own Opinion: I think the future will bring us lots of new technology which will make life easier, but there sure will be people that misuse it.



Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 7

Summary: Hacking comes in three varieties. The first two that came to our attention are bad. But there's a third kind, a good kind and mainly practiced by young men. This kind is about taking something apart and rebuilding it, to make it better. The text tells us about The Big Hackaton, where hackers from the third kind meet, and hack.

Your own Opinion: I always thought hacking was bad, so this article surprised me. These hackers are very creative. It's a shame most people don't know about their existence.


On the Road

Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 7

Summary: Having defied filmmakers for half a century, 'On the Road', Jack Kerouac's beat novel, has finally made the journey to the big screen. The film provides a vivid picture if America before the coming of the great freeways which were made across the country in the 1950's: An America that barely exists today.

Your own Opinion: I think this movie is pretty boring. The story is not very original (two friends who cross the roads of America). I bet it has the same ending as all cheesy movies.




Japan's Child Porn Addiction

Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 5

Summary: A nation that openly sexualises children has become the world hub for a dark industry. Now police have decided to tackle the culture of abuse. Opinion polls suggest that most Japanese voters want stricter laws. Unfortunately for the victims, few of the men can be prosecuted, even when the law works well.

Your own Opinion: I think child porn is cruel and I think the Japanese government is an ass because they didn't solve this problem earlier.


Tibetan Sisters

Source: Alquin January 2013

Number of Reading Points: 8

Summary: Pemma and her older sister Tsomo are two of thousands of child refuges from Tibet who have made the three-day-journey across the Himalayas to northern India in search of a new life, where they can live in freedom and pursue a Tibetan education away from the persecution they receive in China.

Your own Opinion: After my opinion, Pemma and Tsomo are very brave children. The journey through the Himalayas is very tough, and they made it, without any help from their family.